On A Lighter Note – Sasha is looking for a new Home

I had a couple of lessons on a real man’s motorcycle back in Feb and decided that I wanted to learn how to ride and get a proper bike. The only problem with this logic is that I am rubbish on a real bike, having spent my time on a twist and go scooter, the concept of the clutch and brake in different locations has almost caused me to be thrown of so many times.

The instructor was very patient informing me through my earpiece that I have just driven through a Stop sign, I am driving too slow and that I being overtaken by a disability scooter, that I have missed my turning, I need to change up from first gear when I am travelling at 40mph, the list is endless.

So we decided to put Sasha up for sale (the bright yellow scooter we have) and look at buying a proper bike for me to learn on, after 1 month of advertising, we mainly had calls from a company that “have buyers interested in buying the bike, providing we pay them first” and an eastern european chappie who wished to view the bike with his wife, but then mysteriously never appeared.

Earlier this week a girl sent a text message through with the perfect grammar of “You still had bike for sale”, she called me in a thick european accent and the conversation went a little along the lines:

Girl: I wish for to buy bike, where am you living

Me: In York

Girl: Where is please?

Me: York in Yorkshire

Girl: Is this far from London

Me: Err yes, about 200miles plus a bit

Girl: I can get train to you yes, then drive bike back, how long this take

Me: How long this take, what the train or to ride the bike back at a speed limited 62mph

Girl: I ride on motorway

Me: Well if you are legal to do so, but it would take a long time to get back

Girl: It ok I like colour so I want to buy

Me: Forgive me, but are you real or is this a joke

Girl: It real I want buy it

So after this conversation, I started to receive more texts exclaiming that she would arrive by train on Sunday with cash only to buy bike and ride back. Now I started to get a little more suspicious about this, especially since she refused to use electronic transfer or bankers drafts. Thoughts of being handed hookey money and seeing Sasha ride off into the distance, with a girl giving a false name and address, started to flood into my mind.

We decided not to sell since there was too much risk associated with this transaction, but still the texts kept coming, “I very genuine, no funny business” “I want bike, you have no risk for sale”. Sorry call me jaded or a complete cynic, but trust of fellow humans is so far down on the list that we eventually told the girl that the sale was totally off and we would not sell to her at all.

So we still have Sasha and I still need to have some more experience on a geared bike to prevent me from killing myself. In the meantime I have sat my bike theory test, what a complete waste of time and money that is and I have under 2 years to pass the bike test or I need to take it all again.

So there you go, the moral here is if you are going to buy a scooter in a city known for bikes and scooters, make sure it is a well known make that everyone will want, not one that looks like a giant canary that has been stretched and squashed.

Why Do I feel like Victor Meldrew

Oooo I feel so disgusted looking at this once great land that we live in. It makes me feel so like Victor Meldrew, that I thought I would list everything that gets up my nose (and you get to hear all about it), well I do have a SOAP BOX and I am gonna use it:

  • About 10 years ago there was a petrol strike across the country because petrol had breached 90p a litre, yet here we are now with the price soaring through the roof and you hear nothing
  • The so called political leaders are more bent than a 5bob note, screwing everyone in the country out of their cash, whilst they happily have every little thing paid for in their “second” homes (so nice to see people can afford second homes these days)
  • The wondeful government don’t want people using their cars to travel on the over burdened roads, yet you are forced to pay to park your car at motorway services for more than 2 hours, so where is the incentive
  • You now need to spend your spare time separating all of your rubbish and placing it in silly coloured bins and boxes to save the poor old binmen from doing what they are paid to do. Meanwhile the council tax increases and the quality of service degrades.
  • Customer Service, never were 2 words so unmatched in a sentence, it doesn’t matter where you go or which company you speak to, by the time you eventually get to speak to anyone, they really could care less and really have no interest in assisting you with your problems
  • The world is heating up at an amazing rate (don’t exactly know where this statistic is based on, have you seen the heatwave we are suffering at the moment, no me neither) and the only way to prevent it is to introduce some wonderful stealth taxes
  • The economy is collapsing, house prices are falling (not some of the houses we have had a look at recently)
  • Your pension is worth so little, that you will have to work until you are in your 80’s
  • Red Wine is good for your heart and will keep you alive longer, but at the same time will increase the chances alheimers, so you have a choice drink wine and stay alive longer or drink nothing, die young but at least you can be grumpy and remember why

So I feel like a grumpy old man, but at least I have a young wife that listens to me go and probably ignore me as well.

Poor Mr Spike

Its Saturday morning and Spike the cat gets his own back for being left inside all week by jumping on us at some unearthly hour in the morning & wailing at some unmeasurable decibel level in our ears.  Joy! 

Well, its official, Craig has gone back to work, been there for two weeks already and in his words “has done very little yet”.  Meanwhile, I’m on a roll- the last permanent member of IT left yesterday, my contractor has just quit to pursue a career in the NHS and has kindly offered just a weeks notice,  I have several hundred applications for two permanent roles all from people outside the UK, where English appears to be their 4th or 5th language (not even second) currently residing in a country thousands of miles from the UK, without a work visa but able to start Monday courtesy of this wonderful governments open door policy, oh and some bus driver from Dagenham who has a PC at home and can drive a bendy bus.  I can see this recruitment lark taking a while! 

Anyway, away from the work stuff, we’ve been very busy, drinking, sleeping, a bit more drinking, the odd movie and then spending hours irritating the cat, all told, fun times at the Allan household!  Still, following my successful introduction to Indian food we’ve made Friday nights at the local a bit of a thing  – curry things for Craig, sweet coconut & pineapple things for me, washed down with a small tipple, a stagger back and plenty of snoring!

Next month we have decided to go visit the Folks in Ireland (takes us a month to prep the Livers before we go!), we’re off for the Bank Holiday, flying straight into Knock (no doubt Craig will sample the alcofrol on the EASY-BMI-RYAN-JET-AIR and the hospitality offfered at £5 per smile or £10 per pleasantry).  The plan is to annoy the folks with the American itinerary (yes it will be bound & neatly presented by then Stu!), finalise the trip details and then sample the local delights of that there Ireland (rain, mud, clouds and cold weather).  You never know, it might even be dry and not windy this time we visit!

We did manage to watch a wierd film the other night – Southland Tales, starring Duane “The Rock” Johnson (oh how silly must his mortgage application look, Name: The Rock, Occupation: Useless actor who has to strip in every film he stars in) and Sarah Michelle Geller.  A must see but don’t try to understand it.  The best bit – Justin Timberlake wearing a cool t-shirt and singing “I’ve got Soul but I’m not a Soldier”.  If you can’t be bothered to watch the film, check out Utube which has the clip – very good.  Been singing it all week.

Anyway – must dash, Spike needs pushing across the floor again, he’s not impressed that we’re not paying attention!

Our Meaning of Easter

So this Easter we had Allan and Bel up to stay with us and boy did we sup some of that there alcoholic beverage thingy:40 bottles of beer12 bottles of wine1 bottle of poo12 cans of ciderOh My liver pate anyone? This actually beats the record set by those well known alcofrolics The Folks in that there Ireland.We took a gentle stroll into York to enjoy the rather windy sites, as well as scoffing a hog roast sandwich each (ooo yummy), then the plan was to try a local Indian restaurant (Lorna’s favourite I think not), but it was a really nice meal in pleasant settings with excellent company.Sunday was spent watching the 3 inches of snow settle and Allan & Bel waiting behind a bush to pelt Craig (who with his spider sense realised this and didn’t come back until they got too cold), then learning the ground rules for Texas Holdem (big Blinds and all that stuff). Finishing off the evening with a nice 2.5Kg leg of lamb between 4 ravenous meat eaters.All told a really pleasant weekend with 2/3 of the Barty Crew and really nice to see them again, so come back soon.

Back to the grindhouse

We plan to celebrate this evening (and commiserate) since Craig managed to bag a really good job today.  Starting on April 1st (yes it is a real job and not an April Fool’s joke, or we hope not anyway!)  its back to stuff he knows lots about  – taking the mickey out of everyone around, practical jokes, being argumentative – oops I meant to say software development.  So, now all the practical aspects kick in – we need another car again for instance.  Then there is the sharing out of the chores – and I thought I’d managed to avoid them!

But is the dream over, our escaping the rat race and seeing distant shores??  Well, not so much over as on hold until we rebuild the coffers a little.  We’ve still lots of dreams and plenty of plans in place and we will make each one happen – of course a large windfall at this stage would assist with the plans (ps any rich distant rellies out there wanting an orphan to claim?).  We did try to claim Craig was the original inspiration for Tin Tin or of course Jimmy Somervilles love child (and if you know who we are talking about it would take some leap of the imagination for that one) but unfortunately he lost his hair before we could get the claim to court – so lost out there!

But, back to the grind then, at least until October when we do the Folk Tour.  And as to me – well, one month as Head of IT and I’m quite proud to share with you all that I have managed to lose the entire original support team – yup every one of them has resigned (hoo harr, I’m NASTY).  So fun and games all around me at the moment.

Spike, the flabby lay-around is now on an enforced diet which  might have been as easy to offer him a gastric band or something, lots of faff weighing out bits of food only to watch the cat devour it in seconds and wail for more. 

And this week we mourn the last of the Pear Dare, supped earlier on by yours truly – delish!

So, to the weekend, a fab meal planned by sexy chef Craig, champagne to celebrate his new job offer and plenty of laying around doing nothing.  Enjoy the weekend everyone.  Next week for us workers its a shorter one!!

Doesn’t Time Fly

What a hectic last few months it’s as if Christmas was years ago (me so sad I love Christmas time).

Lorna (aka BossLady) has been working her little socks off whilst I get to play “howsebeetch”, you know general stuff; cleaning, cooking, ironing (all this and no man boobs either).

We were recently hit by a nasty flu bug (my first in 4 years), but now we are back up to full speed and enjoying the weather in cold, wet Yorkshire (oh Tyddyn we miss you so). Poor little Spikey has put on so much weight with not exercising and the vet reckons he has a dodgy ticker (amazing that she gleemed this info after listening to his heart beat fast whilst ramming a thermometer up his jacksy, think my heart would race a little too!!).

So what else is happening in “chez allan”, well Lorna is busy booking and arranging The Folks guided tour (we even added some little fun pictures to their page on the site) and we will add the best bits of video from the tour.

Me, well besides my chores, I have been chatting to a few companies about using my wealth of knowledge (shhh, stop laughing now) on Projects, so who knows we may even have to share the chores soon (Lorna even had to ask me where we kept the pots and pans the other day, shows how much time she spends in the kitchen).

At the end of this month the Barty’s, well 2/3 of them anyway (no little H) will be paying us a visit and I’m hoping to get the BBQ out for a bit of ritual animal burning.

Anyhoo, let us know what is happening with all you guys.

At least Dick Turpin Wore a Mask

tooth.jpg Yes siree, dentists and the NHS approach really does blow!

So whilst we were in Wales, we managed to secure an NHS dentist, not fantastic but a quick check around your gob to make sure it was all ok (p.s people in Wales also get FREE prescriptions, paid for by the UK Tax Payer). Due to work we moved back to the North of England and then the fun begins, this government doesn’t want people to have bad teeth and wants them to look after themselves, right, no wrong.

We spent the best part of 2 months hunting high and low for an NHS dentist, with no luck what so ever, apparently you need to register on a website and then wait for a dentist to call you, if one feels like getting in touch and has any space. So the annual check-up came around and begrudgingly we paid for a private check-up, oh my god. It would appear that I have a gold mine situated behind my teeth, either that or the Bank of England. It costs £70 minimum for a checkup, thats £3.50 for each minute that some bloke waffles at you about the state of the NHS, blah, blah, blah. Then you need to have some woman show you how to brush your teeth at a cost of £38, thats £1.90 per minute. Then if you need a filling the prices start at around £50 per filling heading up to a dizzy £70 or £80.

You even get a lecture from the friendly dentist on how Switzerland has banned amalgum fillings now, sorry pal we aint in Switzerland. On top of all that one of the first things that is discussed is you taking out a “dental plan”, now you know it makes sense, “ah you fit in to Category B, so that’s £18 to cover you just in case you need some work doing”. I’m sure that it does make sense, it’s just the fact that in this country we should have to start taking out any kind of health plan, either provide an NHS service or don’t it shouldn’t be a mix and match.

It’s just daylight robbery, I mean “at least Dick Turpin Wore a mask”, come on there is no way to justify such costs.

Eventually we got a call, 7 months after registering with the NHS website thingy, to be told that we could join a dental practice, one that only sees patients on a Wednesday (bloody part-timers). So appointments made, off I pop. Now cast your mind back (is that even possible, hold on head I’m just gonna through my mind back to the good ole days) to dentists of yonder year, well that’s where I ended up. The dentist chair was like out of the 1970’s, a hospital metal frame with a little cloth on it and a foot pump to lift or lower the chair. The gentle laying backwards motion can only be described as being shunted from behind in your car, whilst the rinse and spit sink looked as though it had seen many pigs slaughtered in the local butcher shop. Hanging from the ceiling was the world’s oldest xray machine (the ones that look like a 1950’s B-movie laser cannon, painted in a battleship grey) alongside a 1 million candle light fitting. As for the scale and polish, having to insist that the dentist wash the scaling device after it has been dropped on the floor is never a good sign.

After all this £15.90 for a checkup and xrays, so why cost so much on private then? And now NHS are introducing a wonderful new rule, bear in mind it takes you months or sometimes even years to get a dentist, well they are going for “2 strikes and you’re out”, if you cancel an appointment with less than 24 hours notice then that counts as a strike, have two of those bad boys and you are kicked off their books, go figure. Apparently according to the hand crayoned poster on the wall “last month 25 patients did not attend their appointments, costing the dentist 9 hours worth of lost time” and costing the NHS millions, mmmm I think not, try getting rid of the over priced middle managers and save a fortune more like. Now you do the math:

9 hours is 540 minutes

540 minutes divided by 25 patients equals 21.6 mins per patient

Not one to quibble (yeh right), but my appointment was delayed by 15 minutes (even though I had arrived 10 minutes early) and I was with the dentist for less than 10 minutes, so who got my other 11.6 minutes.

So back to the original point, the government want people to be slim, healthy and with good teeth, yet, you can’t get a dentist for love nor money and when you do, you can’t miss any appointments or you get booted off the list and have to go private. So I ask you what good is the NHS anyway?

The Great Climate Rip-Off


So this whole “the world’s gonna end unless we do something now malarkey”, is it just me or is this yet another cash cow.

Let’s face it, Britain is leading the world in “climate change” goodness, with carbon neutral this, low emission that and what does any other country do (p.s the answer is very little if indeed anything).

So the earth is heating up, true but it has been doing so for hundreds of thousands of years, is it really going to help if your local council fine you for putting a piece of plastic into the wrong dustbin?

Air travel once the right of only the wealthy opened up to everyone by the likes of Freddy Laker and then RyanAir oh and that pathetic excuse for an airline (SleazyJet) will be made impossible when it becomes the norm to have a carbon tax levied on every flight. Now does this money go to save the world, I would suspect not, it will simply go into nice high interest accounts of the government, along with hikes in petrol prices (car is bad, repeat this mantra 12 times!) and every other piece of taxation this country slings at the long suffering people.

I can see a future and a not too distant one either, where everything is blamed on climate change (what’s that you say, this time is now) and your whole life will be ruled by your very own, personal and individual “carbon footprint” given to you by some hippy do-gooder from the council who has worked out that you burn 12 trillion tonnes of carbon by the time you have breakfast. My friends this future is bleak and uncompromising, but it won’t save the world, whatever we reduce our carbon emissions by, China and other countries increases it by several folds with new power stations.

Don’t be fooled by the Hype, Climate Change is inevitable, surely the years of airline travel, cars, power stations, bombs, wars and destruction on the planet has started an avalanche that won’t stop by placing your recyclables into the green bin!!

Now I promised myself I would not rant (sorry mum), but come on for goodness sake, save the world, but save it sensibly. Is there any point saving a world if the people can’t afford to live in it?

Lets go for a walk….

I suggested this morning that we went off to visit the shops.  A brief car trip to the York Designer Outlet for a wander around inside seemed a good idea so off we went.  The intention was window shopping only!  Hmm, one new coat, a suit and several tops later, it seemed sensible to get out of there while the bank balance was still unaware of the ££s I’d just spent.

The best bit…..got a pair of new jeans in a Size 8 – woo hoo, haven’t been that since my school days (too bad its the American size, but I’m not telling anyone but you about that!)

For All You TV Addicts out There

Hi All,

We have had a chance to get a sneaky peak at some of the upcoming US programmes and it’s not all good I’m afraid.

Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles – ICE COLD

Well for anyone waiting the new “Terminator, The Sarah Connor Chronicles”, sorry to disappoint but it is garbage, ropey effects, lame storylines and very poor acting. Come on you can make this better.


Very clever and very original, it’s must see viewing


Oh my, this could have been so much more, the car woo, another wannabe Hasslehoff and an appearance by the ole soak himself (looking as if he can barely stand without a support). Sorry this is absolute poop, given which I’m sure UK TV will buy the option on the entire series.


Series 1, didn’t seem much until part way through and then it rocked, but oh my Series 2 is kick ass, Miss It, Miss Out


The pilot episode was funny, but after 10 minutes every episode is the same, Garbage