Uber Geek in Full Flow

image1633654616.jpgAh Mrs Uber Geek Fogg in full flow, give her an Internet connection and a book and that’s it, she is like Rottweiler, never lets go until the job is done.

So what is the most wonderful woman in the world up to now I hear you ask, well working out exact mileage, shopping lists, places to visit, instructions and other such goodies for the next road trip, oh god not another we hear you scream, well yes as it happens. This time we are off to Vegas (no surprises), hiring an RV, going to the Grand Canyon, Santa Fe and Roswell New Mexico (to visit the aliens and the illegal type either). Wooooooo Harrrrrrrr we cant wait.

The only thing missing is the spiral binding, but even Mrs Fogg isn’t that sad (I wonder who could be then?).

Every day an adventure, every holiday is a dream and it is all down to this fantastic woman.

Every BBQ Needs a Scrubber

image227261663.jpgYup here is Mrs Foggy cleaning up after Man Makes Fire has again cremated some dead animal like things.

Another tough week at work has seen us devour a little falling down water and FizzyBoobly.

so the countdown is on for the next break with Mrs Fogg having to spend a week away in the south and mit der yermans (she has even bought a phrase book for the occasion).

Singapore Sling

image308156590.jpgWooooooo Hoooooo yup the Foggies are at it again, this time a short (7 day) city break to Singapore next year.

I went in 2000 for 2 nights on work, so it will be wonderful to see it again and to take Mrs Fogg as well.

It’s a fantastic city, very beautiful and very warm. Oh and we get to visit Raffles to sample the Singapore Sling.

Tigress Wood

image1186633374.jpgAnd what would you like to do this fine day asks I to Mrs Fogg. Go kill some golf balls!!

Off we trot to the local driving range where the Mrs with her newly acquired Michael Jackson glove proceeded to drive balls over 150 yards, before retiring to the 19th hole for a steak sandwich and cheesecake.

Summer BBQ

image963372022.jpgWe decided to have a BBQ with TheFolks and TheCaddies, wind, rain, sun and fun was the order of the day, with tonnes of grub and a rather competitive game of Bartenga in the garden.

No shooting stars, satellites or glow worms this year, but Stu’s bottom was adding the odd note to the proceedings

Weather for Ducks

image686482369.jpgHello from the M1 on a rainy Wednesday night. It’s amazing how as soon as we get rain everything stops.

My journey so far has taken three hours and I’m still nowhere near Birmingham or Leeds.

Ah, the joys of working in the South. I’m bored now so will try waving at the other cars.

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

Leader of the Plaque

image1366882986.jpgSo there was I filling fallen out, and a cracked molar, drove over to the dentist for help.

Oh my, I got a 12 year old sadist on the job, who had to call for assistance from another dentist on what he should do, WHAT you’re asking for a second opinion, good grief.

Well we might have to take that out, well get on with it then, says I however could I suggest you don’t try prising it out with me flat on my back incase you drop the bloody thing down my throat (you try saying that with a fist, hose pipe and set of Black and Decker pliers in yer gob). After 10 mins of wriggling and fighting, I had to take the pliers off Doogie Howser MD and yanked the bit out myself.

Then came the fun of fitting a temporary filling to the remains of the molar, Little Nipper dentist kept getting distracted, looking away and pushing his mirror down my throat, so in my politest tone I offered him the opportunity to see his innards with his own mirror if he did it one more time.

So all done, for a few weeks until a real dentist has a look and suggests what to do with the remainder of my molar.

For anyone thinking of going to the dentist, I have put a link to one of the most satisfying dental clips ever.


The Dentist Clip

Up Above The Streets and Houses

image748200509.jpgawoken this morning as always by the Spikester wanting grub at 4.30am, so could I get back to sleep, No!

looking out the bedroom window and this is what you see, no sign of Dorothy or Toto, however I’m off to seek my fortune and see if I can find that little pot of gold.

Meanwhile back on planet reality, it’s time for yet another fun day of work and then to the dentist to see if he can repair my broken tooth.

Alarming Stuff

image1326994721.jpgSo on arrival home today (half day Annie that I is) there was no electric, oh soooper.

Well burglar alarm blaring away and no way to turn it off, since the power has been out for so long the dashed thing believed it was being tampered with.

The solution, a practical male one of course, it can’t make noise if it don’t got a speaker!!!!


Welcome Lil Piglet

image950198797.jpgSo today we waved bye bye to ZED my learner Suzuki bike that I passed my test on and then said HELLO to Lil Piglet the Harley.

Why Lil Piglet, well cos it’s a baby HOG of course.

883cc of Grrrrrrowl and Grunt (if I actually knew what that meant it would be so coool), Whoo Harr, it’s so manly that I want to go don a loin cloth and watch 300 all over again (but then that is another story).

Next stop USA coast to coast on a FatBoy (well maybe in a couple of years).