Winter Blues

img_0850.jpg Here we is with Mrs Foggys passion waggon, venturing slowly home in the winter snow and minus temperatures.

Like the rest of the country this is our A road, beautifully treated by the local council. Ah where does my council tax go I wonder.

Next thing will be dirty great potholes in the road and the local council grabbers demanding more tax to do repairs and stockpile that one shovel of grit for next year.

Oh well sure looks pretty.

Happy Birthday Mr Fogg

image1251359938.jpgOh my, Mr Fogg is 42 years old today! Although as his blog already says he is still only young at heart. I know this because Mr Fogg waited up last night to open his pressies at 1am and proceeded to build the Science Museum bug there and then. Ten minutes of tormenting poor Spike with it and we were all wide awake.

So tonight I’m taking my beautiful man for a birthday meal and the plan up to then is to stay warm and cosy. Back to bed then me thinks. Mr Fogg needs the rest after such a long walk!

Happy Birthday!

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

Happy Birthday to Me

image1216939202.jpgYes physically another year hunkier and mentally another 5 years younger.

So what would you like to do on your birthday asked Mrs Foggy, because we are taking the car to the garage 2.5 miles away and walking back for some exercise!!! Well happy birthday to me is all I can say, especially since the car registered an amazing minus 10 degrees celcius. Put it this way on the hike back I had to relieve myself (sorry countryside lovers), and I was actually peeing ice cubes.

Thanks for a brilliant birthday treat Mrs Fogg!!!!!

On a more happier note, thankyou to Stu & Jen for the annoying bug which scared the living daylights out of Spike, the gift from The Folks and also to my fantastically sexy wife for arranging a very special day for me to spend driving Harley Davidson motorcycles (can’t wait).

Its Bloody Freezing here.

Snow White

image1098419074.jpgIt’s been snowing again, waaaa hoooo.

Started snowing last night and we got several inches of pure White on the ground. So today we went for a walk in it and I managed to snowball Mrs Foggy as well.

Last night I was out in shorts, t-shirt and flip flops building my snowman army, how much fun was that, I love the snow and my own little Snow White!

Happy New Year

image1262340581.jpgHappy New Year to you all, here we are raising a glass to say goodbye to the Naughties and hello to the, err, the err, so what are they supposed to be called anyhoo? (like we care anyway).

It has been an amazing 10 years, nine them spent with Mrs Foggy in some fantastic locations. I’d like to think I was a little older and wiser; however I would say I am more immature and none the wiser!

New Years resolutions, none other than to enjoy life to the fullest and grow old disgracefully.

Yes the toast is with our fave tipple another glass of poo, this time with a wild hibiscus plant in it, yummy.

So here’s to y’all, have a fantastic 2010.

What Do The Moomins Eat?

image1008826629.jpgWhy Moon Soup of course.

This delicacy was brought back by the Folks from their recent trip to America. So why is it called Moon Soup, apparently this flavour (Romaine from Chalet Suzanne) was so loved by one of the Astronauts on the Apollo missions (Jim Irwin), that it was endorsed by NASA and used as food on Apollo 15 & 16 Moon landings (well if you believe man stepped foot on the moon of course!).

So how does it taste “Out Of This World” of course.

Yum Yum

Santa Heads Back Home

image498683758.jpgMrs Fogg met up with the big man as he headed home to the North Pole after another hectic present delivery.

Mrs Fogg took the opportunity to chat to Santa about what she wanted for next year and we managed to bag a quick photo opportunity before he jumped into his sleigh and headed home.

Ho Ho Ho

Boxing Day Freeze

image1217678919.jpgAfter spending an amazing Christmas day with each other, Mrs Foggy and I went for a nice stroll down to the canal, which according to Stu never floods, apparently it’s only the surrounding areas, mmm there is logic there somewhere, just not sure where.

We managed to walk a little distance before having to turn back due to the canal flooding (Stu take note), so here is a picture of the NOT flooded canal frozen over.

Thank you to Stu, Jenny, Al, Bel and Hazel for the lovelly presents, looking forward to having you over in the New Year.

Today sees the folks come over for a few days.

And remember only 365 days to Christmas now.

Stu the canal was flooded here.

Merry Christmas 2009

image1709101628.jpgMerry Christmas to you all. Santa’s little helper Mrs Foggy came to help deliver presents this year, however with no room on the sleigh, she decided to arrive on a 1970’s space hopper.

Ho Ho Ho