He’s Behind You!

image937820247.jpgOh No He isn’t, Oh Yes He is.

Yup a man of my tender years has never ever been to see a Pantomime, have I missed anything? so we are off to one and taking half of the The Folks with us too (the sensible half decided to skip it).

I have no idea who is in it, beside some bloke that enjoys dressing as a woman in his past time, that and hoards of brats screaming at the stage (my idea of hell). I just know it’s gonna be worse than a Neil Diamond concert, except there won’t be some retiree throwing their knickers at the stage (well unless the in-law decides to of course).

Why am I doing this, well the aim is to try all the things I have never done so far.

Christmas Comes Early

image915853498.jpgWell for one little kitty it does. As an early Christmas treat and since the really cold weather settled in, Santa dropped off this little igloo for Spike and he cant get enough.

Meoow says the little man and then promptly went to sleep in it. If only everyone was that easy to please, eh Mrs Fogg.

Brrr Brrrr Shiver me timbers

image1496860353.jpgAnd shiver just about everywhere else too. Driving in to work this am at 7.15 this was the temperature on the dial. Blooming Brass Monkeys.

Only silly idiots like me travel in on 4 miles of untreated sheet ice, before getting to the untreated main roads so that I can get into the office.

Hoping there will be something nice and warm waiting for me when I get back tonight.

Twee Twoo

image743654648.jpgYup here you go the Foggys Twee number Twoo, a space on the landing calling out fir another tree (geddit, tee hee). We decided to branch out and extend our collection because we couldn’t leaf this one all alone.

The management accept no responsibility for the state of these puns and wish to apologise for letting me free with a compooter, so I’ll go out on a limb with the next one (drum roll please).

Only 22 days till the fat man slips down yer chimney, scoffs yer cake (for those of you that have any left eh Stu).

HO HO Hopeless

24 Days to Christmas

image1466156800.jpgYeh, December the 1st and only 24 days to Christmas, so in true Foggy tradition we got our 6ft tree up in the living room, all poshed up and no arguments either!

Tomorrow night it’s the landing tree and the dining room.

Christmas here we cone.

In The Deep Midwinter

image1255469920.jpgThis was the blizzard that greeted us on the return from visiting Stu & Jen, so the 10 mile trip from the motorway took 50 minutes travelling at around 10 miles an hour.

So far we have 2.5 inches of snow, tomorrow morning and work will be interesting then won’t it.

Slogging good time

image1521998162.jpgI don’t know, you plan for a group if friends to come for the weekend and neatly order a tonne of logs to coincide with the visit (just on the off chance that additional help is offered..tee hee) and what happens? Everyone cancels!

Doh! Two hours later and Mr Fogg and I have stacked, sorted and shovelled the whole lot into the log store, fireplace and front porch. Shattered now.

Still, one more job sorted for Christmas. Next it’s tree time! Yippee

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]


image1418349393.jpgYeh SNOW. a really good drubbing last night sees us with about an inch of powder sat on top of the frozen and icy road.

Tis freezing here at -2 degrees at present and getting colder. Ideally we would go hibernate in bed, however today we have a trailer load of logs that need stacking away.

The Shower Q

image1313157216.jpgEvery morning families around the country face the constant fight to be front of the queue for the shower before the hot water runs out.

In the Foggy household, Mrs Fogg is usually first while I prepare breakfast and then I can have my turn, but no more since Mr Spike has now stolen my place in the queue, so i get to be third!

Spike you have missed a bit.

Me In Heaven Meow

image507606214.jpgOne happy lil ole kitty. Mr Spike enjoys himself with yet another catnip toy from the Cat Shop in York.

Give him one of these badboys and he goes to town for hours without even knowing what he is doing or why.

If only life was that simple for humans a catnip toy and then passing out!