Heatwave anyone?

Saturday was THE hardest walk we have done so far, not so much due to terrain or distance, but heat. It started with a vertical climb up out of Millington to get back on the Wolds Way and ended with a downhill shuffle on the road to Thixendale as our tired and very wet bodies could simply not face another up, down valley walk.

But what an amazing walk. We trailed ancient earthworks at the top of Silvian Dale, traversed a Roman road (nothing to see), ambled across the tops peering down into Millington Dale, Nettle Dale, Pasture Dale (get the picture, lots of hung valleys and very dramatic scenery). Did we mention it’s bloomin hot?? Too hot for walking. We saw loads of wildflower meadows, wild orchids and amazing flowers and grasses.

We stopped for lunch at a valley called Horse Dale (no horses, just cows) and admired incredible scenery, before a very hot and long trudge to FridayThorpe.

Our lunch spot:

Who knew the petrol station at Fridaythorpe would feel so brilliant – they have AIRCON! Whoop!! So a refuel of water, rest stop and then 20 minutes sitting in the local bus shelter – which I have to say is the poshest and coolest we had ever seen.

Then it was the final 4 miles to Thixendale and boy were we tired. Too hot, feet hurting, more up down before we reached the road to Thixendale and said “screw it”. So we walked the 2 mile road rather than the 2.5 miles up down track. It’s not cheating, it was sensible in what felt like 39 degree oven heat.

Cue arrival at the cute pub at around 4:30pm, phew. How lovely, our host Steve brought us beer straight away and sat chatting. And the pub doesn’t open until 6pm.

Incredible little place here, so impressed. But no mobile signal at all and no WiFi, nada, zip. Unsurprisingly the that Mr Fogg called to check we had actually made it given the news was saying 35 degree temperatures during the day (sorry mum and Mr Fogg, we should have called but the large cool beer drew us in)

Dinner was rump steak, washed down with chocolate pudding. We think we earned that!

So early to bed tonight as Sunday is The Long Walk. Our hosts here kindly tell us it is 17 miles to our next accommodation. Ouch.

Numbers for Saturday:

3 blisters now

12 mile walk

29 degree heat

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