The Wold Hikers Guide to

Heat Exhaustion.

So Day three for our intrepid travellers saw Mrs Fogg (aka WalksWithRucksack) and Pops (aka SherpaForMrsFoggsClothes) going from Millington to Thixendale, a journey of 12 miles on the hottest day of the year (37Degrees of the Celsius and rising).

Come 18.45, neither I nor Mrs Folky (aka HuskyVoice) had heard from our weary travellers, so time to track them down and make sure they are still alive, well you have to know when to claim on the life insurance don’t you?

Low and behold the two happy campers are sat in a pub enjoying a nice cool beer before a steak each, the joys of no mobile or WiFi!

Well here’s to you both and Day 4, Thixendale to Heslerton a paltry 16 miles, Enjoy.

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