10 Reasons to be pillion

1. You can sing to your hearts content into your helmet, however off key and with the wrong words

2. You can practice mindfulness. Just “be”

3. You can wave at all the car drivers as you scoot past them

4. The bike vibrates. Nuff said

5. You can chuckle loudly and shout “tree” and since no one can hear, no one knows you are mad as a box of frogs

6. You get to hug your hubby all day long

7. You can smell the flowers, the trees (only downside is you can also smell if hubby has farted)

8. You can navigate by jabbing the rider

9. You can jabber about history with no-one complaining

10. Instant biker chick street cred

Of course, if you are Molly the dog, then who needs a reason to be pillion. She has been riding since she was a puppy and has her very own Facebook page.

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