10 Reasons to be a rider

In response is it better to be pillion or a rider

  1. No matter how off key your pillion is, you can’t hear them sing the wrong words to Bohemian Rhapsody
  2. It’s just you and the road (oh and a passenger)
  3. You can wave at all the totty and you still have the ole lady in case you don’t pull (gonna get a punch for that)
  4. The bike sounds and looks awesome and you can hear someone giggling when it vibrates
  5. You can still hear someone muttering “tree” like a demented lumberjack on crack, over the sound of the engine
  6. You get a hug, just about the time you are waving to totty
  7. You can fart all ride long knowing the ole lady is gonna suffer
  8. You get jabbed to tell you to turn left and right, but you can still ignore it and repeat number 7, whilst chuckling
  9. You do t have to listen to anyone jabber about history
  10. You have a hot biker chick with you all the time, to listen to you moan, to help you when you are lost and to hug you (repeat 7 when squeezed too hard)
  • My Biker Chick.
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