Foot Diaries (club foot)

So I’m still on the mend. Still bruising to the foot and it swells up when tired or used. And it still bloomin hurts.

At least I can move around easier now with the elbow crutches. I’ve started using Arnica cream to try to treat the bruising, but no obvious improvement on that yet.

Still, early days I guess if I listen to the specialist. She tells me the bruising is a good indicator, when this eventually goes I can have some confidence that the internal parts of the foot are healing.

I’ve a few challenges to figure out as yet. Now when I hobble along I make a bone in my right lower leg click and clunk. No idea which one but its a bit disconcerting. I also don’t seem able to point my right foot directly forwards, rather it falls out to the right a bit at the front. This probably has something to do with the damage on the ankle that prevents it twisting. One for the physio to advise on I guess.

Still, I’ve mastered going up and downstairs one slow foot at a time. Woo! A big advance eh?

Working up to driving- that’s the biggie and def not there yet. Back on the painkillers though for now. Still smiling though, I’m loving our house, the sunny weather, looking at the garden, all the birdsong, watching the rain and all the baby birds chasing their parents for food and attention.

Plus The Folks are due next weekend for a visit. Good job, I think the weeds have well and truly moved in and I’ve no idea what’s what. A bit of garden consultancy is in order.

Can someone tell me where the first half if the year actually went though? I seem to have missed it?


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