500 Miles


Much to Mrs Fogg’s surprise she had a visit from the CaddyFrogs yesterday, while they were “in the area” of Barnsley. Now anyone not good at geography, let me help out, it’s about 60 miles in the wrong direction (someone needs a SatNag).

Even better Mrs Fogg was looking out of the window and saw this behemoth of a vehicle park on the drive and was scowling, about to give them a piece of her mind thinking it was Mr Magoo from next door. Fortunately Mrs NutterFrog was waving like a swarm of bees had invaded the passenger side of their tanker, so Mrs Fogg soon realised who it was.

Apparently they all went to the local gym for lunch, thanks for the invite kids.

Fantastic of you to just pop over, so next time you are in Edinburgh feel free to drop by 🙂

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