The Foggs are on the Move

No surprise I am sure but Mr Fogg and I are moving house (again). We have managed an astonishing 2.5 years in one place and have the itch to move on.

Fate has played its card on this one, as alluded to in our previous blog.

So, there we were in New Zealand having a fab time and of course on return to the UK we were once again unsettled and suffering withdrawals from travelling. We would like to consider a move to NZ but that’s a big step with lots of processes to follow not to mention job hunting and all that. So perhaps not on the cards yet. So, we thought we’d have a change of scenery instead.

I had a brief look on the housing market and spotted a pretty looking house fairly close to where we are and opted to arrange a viewing- to consider buying or renting. We had a walk round and liked what we saw.

Now this is the spooky bit. We did not know that this house has a name: Wai Nui. Unbelievably this means big water in Maori!!!

All the last 3 rentals have also all been house names not numbers and don’t be too shocked – we are only renting for now 🙂

With odds like that we had to go for it. We have yet to ask the owner how the name came about.

House warming party to now be planned.

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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