Beanbags for Cows

While we were out in NZ one of the guides on a tour we took told us an interesting story.

Apparently while escorting a bunch of tourists (we won’t share their US nationality, but you can take a guess) one asked what the round plastic balls were for in the fields. “Ah” says the guide “Those are a great invention, they’re beanbags for cows. The cows come along at night and flop into them to get a good nights sleep and when finished of course they can then munch on the beds, what a cool idea”.

“Oh wow!” says the tourist “I must tell the guys back home about them, we don’t have them and they would be so good!”.

It’s the little things that remind you of all the good times.

Tourists eh?

On an udder note (sorry) whilst the weather has been close to Friesan and we need to wear Jerseys (oh stop it now), we hope to share some news related to “big water” very soon. Fingers crossed.

Time to enjoy the rest of the day before that work called thing comes around again.

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