Nasty Clinique

I’m about to put you off your food! So in anticipation of hotter climate and that hole in the Ozone sitting over New Zealand I did the sensible thing. Having used Clinique products for many years I went to Boots in the UK and bought a different moisturiser (same family I normally use) that increases the SPF to 25.

I started using it just before we went away. Overnight in the hotel in London the morning of the flight I woke up to a heavily swollen eye and a rash on my chin. Ah well, I assumed I’d mistakenly eaten onion or something that had triggered an allergic reaction and duly got ready and applied the same moisturiser. Oh dear.

Still oblivious to the cause of the rash we flew out and on arrival had a wash and applied the same moisturiser. By this time the rash was much worse and itchy as hell. Deep joy, so I dragged Mr Fogg to the local pharmacy.

Imagine my disbelief when she promptly told me that it was the Clinique product and to stop using it. I’m now in recovery with a nice blotchy face and trying to avoid the sun for a while.

Just wait until I get back home Clinique. You and I shall be having words. Hypoallergenic my arse!!!!! One wrecked face and possibly three weeks to clear it. Grrrr

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]


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