Toilet Ettiquette

image403363438.jpgI meant to post this yesterday. The company office in Kolkata has a number of helpful signs posted for guests.

The best one is to be found in the ladies toilet which requires visitors to flash after use. A most bizarre concept. Does one just lift your top or just pull trousers down when flashing?? And who is it appropriate to flash to?

I decided not to follow the instructions on this occasion.

I am currently sat by the pool at the hotel and it looks like there is a private pool party about to happen. There is lots of frantic activity setting White table cloths out and about 30 staff dashing about to make sure all is clean and tidy.

It is nearly 5pm here and the sun us setting on another day in India. The temperature is very pleasant being at maybe 31 but not overly humid which is good.

Tomorrow might just have to be a dip in the pool. I’ve done the toe test, the water is bath temperature so it’s looking good.

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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