Durness or BOOM

A wonderful drive from Scourie to Tongue (yup, how cool is that and it’s at th mouth of the sea!). Maximum speeds of 30mph through the single track roads up via Durness and Europe’s largest live bombing range, you could hear the booms every few seconds Read this

Mrs Fogg even found the “worlds best chocolate drink” shop which we had to hike a mile to. Also en-route was the Smoo Cavern, a funky waterfall that has turned a cave into a very wet cavern

Oh and while emptying the “crapper” this morning, which involves opening the side of the camper, removing a 20litre full cassette and wheeling it to the chemical waste point (a bloody big hole in the ground), as I emptied it the process went into slo-mo as one wheel and axle dropped off and slipped into the slime, never to be seen again! you couldn’t make it up. Do I stick my hands in to retrieve it, err not a cat in hells chance!

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