
Today was beginners Zumba class! Whoah! If that was the beginner version I’ll be needing A LOT more classes before I even contemplate the main classes.

Let’s just say I’ve two left feet and clubs for arms. The speed of the class and moves is considerable so not only was I struggling to keep up fitness wise, I seriously struggled to follow the moves.

However the teacher was right….it makes you laugh and smile…in my case out of sheer exasperation at not being able to follow the moves and I ended up waving arms, legs and bum wildly around in the vein attempt to follow the routine. Thank goodness there were no video cameras. Mr Fogg would have been crying with laughter on the side if he had watched!

A bit of Salsa, Cossack dancing, tango, jumping jacks, country line dancing – it was all wedged into the 45 minute class. I came out literally dripping and shattered!

Go again you ask?? Hell yes, if only to try to learn the routine and to keep grinning at myself. You simply cannot take yourself seriously when you are clumping around trying not to bash into the people next to you because you forgot to turn, jump or skip to the left, back, right or front.

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