Footloose and pains

Ahh, here’s an idea. Let’s do an 80 mile walk in the baking sun across the Wolds Way!

So today was day 1. South Cave to Market Weighton, a nice little 12 mile introductory strole up hill, down dale and across fields of barley.

So, all set in our gear off we trogged. And no, I’d not prepared.

Wow! What a rewarding walk. Amazing scenery, flowing barley and maize fields resplendent with poppies and glimmering in the sun.

Did we mention the up and down bits which definitely tested our metal and tired our feet, bodies, brains and legs.

We even managed a scene from a Gladiator where Dad did a super demo of Maximus in his barley field

We saw St Helens Well. For those history geeks (Mr Fogg!) she was the emperor Constantine’s mother.

And finally after 12 miles, 6 hours, one 25 minute lunch rest, one blister and 29,000 steps, we went and found Prosecco

Ahh. We are now checked into our little cottage resting before we head for food.

And there is a bath……,aahhhh perchance to soak tired feet.

Tomorrow it’s 8 miles

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