Well that’s gone and done it

Today we planted five fruit trees to create an orchard in the top field. Two varieties of old English Pears, two varieties of old English apples and a Plum tree.

Now, they are still baby trees and we will not let them fruit this year, but we should have a harvest in 2020.

Of course, our habit is to do something fab then move house! These will at least be lasting legacies of our time here (no, no plans to move honest) and in 20 years time so long as we don’t totally kill the planet, someone will be swinging in a hammock from the apple tree perhaps.

It’s a lovely thought that what we create here will be still there in years to come. Much like The Folks who planted trees in that there Ireland, we are giving something back.

We’ve also invested in another Magnolia tree, so I’ll be planting her tomorrow. Did you know Magnolias were here before the bees. They are pretty much prehistoric trees. Cool eh?

Having dug five holes, hammered five stakes in I’m now shattered. Time for a small glass of something nice.

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