Lost in Translation

It’s 21:45 in central Tokyo. All my meetings for today have finished and I’ve just left all my colleagues after an incredible meal with our Japanese counterparts.

I’m sat in Starbucks enjoying a quiet (well if you can call a packed Starbucks quiet) cup of English tea!

Today went well. Very busy with lots of meetings and followed by a traditional meal hosted by my IT hosts. We are in a tiny place where you cook all your own food. Simply incredible, and not a place you can really visit as a tourist as they have only Japanese menus.

We started eating at 18:30 and finally finished with the various courses around 9:30pm. Plus the required level of Japanese beer to wash it all down. Great fun, capped off by a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors engineered to get us to eat the last of the dessert.

So, soon to bed before a free morning tomorrow to do a little sightseeing.

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