Newberry Springs, Daggett and Barstow

Yey, made it to Barstow from Needles, total mileage from our start in Chicago 18 days ago is 2,641 with 148 left from here to Marina Del Rey for my final journey tomorrow.

It’s been a really good run down today with a chance to do 5 sections of Route66 shadowing the I-40 west through Amboy, Ludlow, Newberry Springs, Daggett, Calico Ghost Town and then to Barstow. At one point I stopped on 66 to take a picture and the blacktop (tarmac to you and me) was so wet it was sticking to my boots.

One section of the I-40 had 5 miles of stationary traffic, with me sat on a Harley with heat belching out of it in 90 degree sunshine, not a fun experience when every part of you is soaking wet.

Tonight I will mostly be stopping at the local econolodge with the grumpiest and unhappiest manager where everything is too much trouble (TripAdvisor Here I come).

Tomorrow, the hell that is Los Angeles.

Daggett on 66

Newberry Springs pit stop 66

66 down to the Joshua Tree National Park

Essex (no really)

And finally Barstow

Oooo look it’s my hotel, home of Mr Grumpy

And after walking several miles in 37 Degree Celsius heat to find food, the only things available were Popeye’s, McYucks and Burglar King, so I ended up eating in Denny’s, oh well.

posted by the biker daddy.

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