Mike & The Mechanics and B.O

So we went to see Mike and the Mechanics yesterday and they was awesome. It was a packed house and they were excellent. The downside was I had a guy sit next to me drinking pints of beer and absolutely reeking of B.O, not just a whiff, but that type of B.O that makes you want to wretch violently. Every time he raised his arms, waves of pungent odour came wafting out, look at it like this, if the aliens in Alien had acid blood that burnt your flesh, his odour was doing the same. It was so bad we had to move to a totally different set of seats just to breath.

Despite Mr Smelly, it was an excellent evening (even playing a couple of Genesis tracks in the mix and the awful Rochford’s Cuddly Toy).

Next stop Cirque de Soleil.
posted by the biker daddy.

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