Horror Nights

Well what an absolute blast that was, in the park for 4pm, then placed into a holding pen whilst security cleared the park of non horror goers. The main doors dont open until 6.30pm, but if you are in the park you get to start the attractions at 5.30pm.

Nine horror houses, 4 horror zones and 2 shows are the order of the night along with the main park attractions such as the Rocket (yes Kevin I am now two more up on you now and the last one at 11.30pm in the pitch black which SO ROCKS).

The horror houses are an absolute hoot, at one point I thought Mrs Fogg was going to scream herself to death and deafen me in the process.

In the horror zones actors are dressed as witches, zombies, vampires, fishermen, convicts and killers, all haunting you and jumping out.

Simply AWESOME and so worth it, even Mrs Fogg liked it.

And now at 12.15am (5.15am UK), we are all parked out!

posted by the biker daddy.

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