It’s Ya Birthday

Ba ba ba da da da

Birthday weekend for Mrs Fogg and a few things lined up for this, ahem 21 yr old.

Into the town to find something special followed by a little snack and YoYoYo Sushi, where we got a discount for it being a birthday and Mrs Fogg tried pushing by asking for a free desert, to which the waitress said “yay, NO”. Oh well.

Off then on a mystery drive to our eventual destination of Lumley Castle (owned by the Purdey family of course), I’m sure McGeek will delight you all with the history, when it was built, how many people owned it, yada yada yada, YAWN.

Later on a romantic meal and time to reflect on her 21 years on this planet (I will be flogged for not mentioning constantly that she is only 21).

And there you have it.

Hippo Bathday Mrs Fogg.

posted by the biker daddy.

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