Kakibara and We Maid a Mess

A nice late start this am, plus Nellie was even up on time. Over then to Akhibara, electric city for a womble round.

Mrs Fogg even bought herself a toy and then decided it would be soo cool to go to a maid cafe

You get in a lift to the 4th floor and are met by a teen dressed in a French frilly maids outfit. Out steps Mrs Fogg first as she is accosted by a 12yr old eager to serve, quick as a flash Nellie slammed her hand on the ground floor button leaving Mrs Fogg to explain to the maid that there are/ were 3 of us and she would go and get us. Nelly and I were wetting ourselves in the lift on the way down.

To try and make up for it we agreed to try another seedy maid cafe, where you have 3 attentive teens, keen to charge you an arm and a leg for a drink, whilst walking around in their frilly outfits. The only thing missing was the box of tissues on the table!

Needless to say we went to a less seedy place for a drink. This one even has a toilet the the seat lifts automatically as you enter the room.

Time then for sharp orange and apple drinks that curl your face, makes your face hurt

posted by the biker daddy.

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