C2C Was…..

Utter Pants, I think even Mrs Fogg would agree, well apart from Lady DooDah, which was all she wanted to see.

The whole think was supposed to be an out n out country festival will food, stalls, etc. what you had was 10 little tents with hats, boots, pulled pork and beer in the O2 Market area (where the Tommy Copper hats used to be and that was rubbish too), and then access to the performances, but once you go in you can’t come out! And the only food once you were in was horrible smelling popcorn and something resembling a hot dog.

So the performances. Brantley “I’m Hard” Gilbert, was terrible (no I’d never heard of him either), “ain’t no-one gonna take my guns”, “2nd Amendment, blah, blah,blah”. You couldn’t hear him sing over the rock music (yes this was supposed to be country), references to skinny jeans, boobs and beer, so it must have been country music! The Shires, two warble songs, sounded like country so I turned off. Jason “I wears a hat so I must be a cowboy” Aldean, more rock than country. And lastly Lady DooDah, not bad, Mrs Fogg enjoyed it though (despite the woman being off key.

But just look at the view we had

We could just about see the big ass screens.

Now all Mrs Fogg has to do is figure out how to navigate back, we’re screwed.

posted by the biker daddy.

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