
Oh boy. I fancied trying the gel nail polish and had a lovely deep red put on the other weekend.

Now I know from a good friend that gels are the best nail polish but I’d not realised exactly why. They are, quite literally, indestructible. Two weeks later and still shiny, no chips cracks or chinks. Sounds good yes?

Until you want to take the stuff off. Cue Google. Turns out this is no ordinary stuff. Step one: buff each nail with nail file to break up top shiny layer.
Step two: soak (generously) cotton wool ball in acetone and stick on nail, wrapping in place with a strip of foil.
Step three: repeat for every single nail
Step four: leave for at least 10 minutes, apparently ideally 15
Step five: remove cotton wool and grab orange stick and SCRAPE gel off
Step six: repeat as it won’t work first time!
Or step seven: go find a professional!

Wow. They look lovely but I’ll stick to the old fashioned stuff that comes off easy.
Have I tried yet?? Nope. This might be my Friday night project.



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