Close Encounters of the Turd Kind


Ahh the Meteor BBQ was so much fun, food, fun and ice bucket challenge (well for Charlie anyway). Mr Fink mention that he believed our downstairs cloakroom was blocked, so like the true super hero he sprung into action and got his arm up the ubend unplugging any tissues.

What he didn’t realise and neither did we, but the entire waste sewer system for us and next door was actually backed up. On bank holiday Monday we lifted the manholes to see all manner of yuck backed up. So up to the local DIY for an industrial plunger (which broke within 5 seconds, like most things from that place consisting of 2 letters) and drain rods. Rods in hand we attempted to clear what we thought was the blockage to prevent a backup to next door. Drain rods failed, time to call Dyno Rod bloke on a bank holiday, starting price of £150.

Mr Rod arrived and announced since it was a shared drain they were not legally allowed to touch it and it was the responsibility of the water company. After lifting a our covers he discovered the blockage in the next door rental, by lifting the 1 meter diameter cover (that wasn’t even in place), to find it completely backed up. Great!

The renters were, less than interested even though they had a pet and child. So we had to arrange the water company who found the issue, disposable cloths used to clean the inside of a plethora of cars. Apparently as he cleared the blockage you could hear the backed up waste come out the fall pipe of the rental house.

Like good neighbours we advised the tenants what had caused the issue, but it obviously wasn’t them.

The moral, don’t live next to a rental house and if you do, ensure they give a crap, quite literally.

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