Cat 3 Humans 0

We had a simple task today. Put Willow in the cat carrier and take her to the vets. Just look at that teeny thing with her cute face, how hard could it be?
However we missed a few notable observations:

1. She has only known us for 2 weeks and just started to trust us
2. She dislikes being picked up
3. Willow can move like a bat out of hell
3. There is nothing to grip hold of on a teeny kitten like cat
4. It’s more stressful for us humans than the cat
5. It’s the fastest way to an argument

Cue about 40 mins of pure stress! Two grown adults chasing a slippery cat all over the house with me trying to do an appalling attempt at “cat whispering” (well it works for horses) and Mr Fogg with his “that’s it, I’m getting big gloves and shoving it in there”. Cue heated debate on the art of cat catching while timid cat continued to run rings around us. This cat can fly!

Poor little Willow, we finally got her in the box and off to the vet, wide eyed and wondering what the hell was happening. We did warn the vet that she’s fast and did not like being handled. Hmm, another brief chase around the vets table before he got her pinned down for the checkup.

Thankfully Willow is ok apart from diagnosed conjunctivitis which requires – wait for it- eye drops daily for 10 days. Oh My, can’t wait to try that one!

Mr Fogg unfortunately has a few war wounds, we are pleased to confirm that Willows claws, once all soft and squishy are now talon like. She has also increased her weight by a kilo. A good eater.

So now our little lady is back to square one . Terrified of us adults and cowering as we move around we are hoping our little ball of fun starts to relax again so we can watch her personality come out as she chases ping pongs.

Ah the joys of pet ownership. Anyone up for cat sitting if we go away some time? Might be less stressful than chasing a sonic cat around.

We plan to put a collar on some day. Yeah right….


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