That’s All Folks

Welcome to the annual Foggy Perseides Fancy dress bash. This years theme was cartoon characters and in true style everyone got into the spirit with all manner of costumes (2 lots of Fred Flinstone, Barney Rubble, Wilma, Hong Kong Phooey, Mickey Mouse, Batman and Perry the Platypus, nope never heard of that one either). The prize this year went to the Barty crew and Charlie Veggie Pup who confessed to forgetting to put eye holes in her platypus outfit (dowp!), what did they win? An oversized rubber duck called Bwian.

All then wombled to the canal where one local even refused to make eye contact with the weirdos in costume.

A day of food, alcoholic beverage, hot tubbin, more food, silly games and a totally unrehearsed North South production of The Life of Brian Cox!

Lastly Marshmellow and hot chocolate dipping before nightfall and hopefully a chance to see a meteor shower.







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