Never just rains does it

So this morning I did my usual exercise regime of hobbling around the first floor bedrooms.

Funny I thought, the carpet is wet in the guest room. I took a closer look. Oh no. Managed to pull the carpet back, then did the same to the landing carpet. Drenched carpet, drenched floor. This is right next to the main bathroom shower area.

Ok, can’t be the shower because we don’t use that one. I managed to pull the shower base cover off (not bad for hulk foot eh?) and oh dear. One very very wet floor with BIG mould. Oh shit.

At that point I confess a few choice words were to be heard. Talk about shit luck at the moment!

Cue Mr Plumber who kindly came out to help. He’s narrowed it down to a corroded washer in the wall where the shower is. So leak fixed, but new feature wall in place.

So, now we are going to have to let it all dry, scrub the mould out and find a plasterer.

So nothing else to deal with thanks. I’ve had enough.








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