
Ah the joys of summer. The new garden is looking great with all the plants and weeds flowering nicely.

Scented old country roses are climbing the fence and I think we have honeysuckle and clematis coming out too. The scent from the roses is fabulous- shame the previous occupants seem to have planted small things behind very large things so some flowers you can only smell rather than see.

We’ve also got a resident frog or toad living under some green things. He seems happy jumping around, as do the hundreds of birds gorging themselves on the seed we put out. So far – blackbirds, green finches, goldfinches, sparrows, robins, great tits, blue tits, song thrushes, starlings, a rook and a cacophony of other songbirds.

Better than that though we have Strawberries forming on the two fab plants that Mr Caddie cultivated for us. We even managed to net them to stop all the birdies helping themselves.

So, once I’ve figured out which are the weeds and have sufficient balance on two feet to deal with them I’ll get right on top of the gardening. In the meantime Im afraid I’ve consulted the Folks who are master gardeners. Capable of identifying a plant at more than 50 yards they’ll be swooping in to consult and advise and no doubt get me on track with the weeding, snipping, trimming and tying. Thank goodness, because it’s “all weeds” to Mr Fogg and his strimming tendencies!





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