A Grand Affair

20130602-171647.jpg We have been to the Grand Canyon five times now, the very first time was when we started our Adventures in 2005. We have camped here, RV’d here, brought The “it’s just a hole in the ground” Folks here and stayed in the Canyon lodges twice.

Each time has held fantastic experiences. We have hiked down into the canyon twice, experienced good ( and terrible) restaurant food, seen wild Elk, deer, moose, chipmunks, squirrels and looked at the incredible views.

Looking at it all again from the perspective of a wheelchair is very different. Firstly you would think no one has seen a foot before, secondly, people see it as a cue to launch into detailed conversations about what I’ve done, and then go on to tell me thirty seconds later all about the time when they broke, bent, squished, lost, damaged something. It invites everyone to comment.

I’m that well known that we have just wandered, well wheeled, into the market plaza shop area 1.5 miles from where we are staying and some woman has just introduced me to her friend and about three other shoppers as the “honey who crushed her foot in a motorbike accident”. I’ve never even met or spoken to her.

So, celebrity status now eh? Mr Fogg is shattered, he’s having to push me up hill and down dale in my oversized wheelchair ( well this is the US so they don’t do small).

More interestingly, being disabled must seriously suck. Pavements are not designed with a chair in mind, toilets are an immense challenge, people do not move out if your way, hold doors or generally notice that you might have some limitations. And I still have use of one leg. It’s really making me think differently. And sometimes they seem to assume that since you are in the chair, your partner needs to answer questions for you. Grr

On the flip side, we have met some great people on our travels.

I love the Grand Canyon. Wish I could have gone with Mr Fogg this morning on the hike, but it’s just taken us 1hr 15 to wheel up to do laundry. It’s ok for me, a wheeled tour, but Mr Foggs getting new muscles as a result!

Can you imagine Mr Fogg rolling his eyes at the friendly Americans and their OMG you POOR thing!

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