Flat start

First day of our holiday and things were looking good. Mr Fogg was dispatched this morning on errands while I finished packing and the final bits at home.

All was on track. Cue Mr Foggs return with a problem. One very flat tyre on the car we’re taking to the airport. Torrential rain too. Joy

So my hero Mr Fogg jumps into action, battling terrible rain and German engineering to get the jack out and popped the skinny on the car. So two soaked people later and I’m now in York waiting for Slow Fit to find a slot to replace the tyre. Apparently they are really busy so it’s likely to be 2pm before this will happen.

Thank goodness we are flying tomorrow not today.

oh, and thunderstorms in Chicago forecast with heavy rain for the first day on the Harley. Now where’s that number for the hire car company?

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