Ho Ho Crimbo A Go Go

Seasons greetings one and all, tis Christmas Take 2 (CT2) for the Foggies, Finks and Caddies. The new annual tradition where we get to celebrate Christmas all over again.

This years setting will be our new abode near a non flooding canal (some folk will never live that down eh caddie).

The plan then, all parties to arrive on Friday and potentially even a rare sighting of Mr & Mrs Claus all the way from the North Pole. The Finkettes are even going to decorate the tree when they arrive.

Saturday will see us playing silly games (Bartenga, Rapidough amongst others with Boys v Girls), followed by a slap up meal (involving the 14lb bad boy you see in the picture). Apparently we have one of them there veggies in our midst this weekend, challenge accepted, after all chicken is a veggie meal ain’t it?

Let’s not forget the falling down water to help the food go down.

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