Tree Weeks

Yesseree only tree weeks until Pere Noel arrives and apparently less than that until the end civilisation, if you were following the Myan calendar, which no one seems to be since they all died out donkeys yonks ago (not even Mel Gibson could bring emback with that quirky yet poop Apocolypto).

What a wheeze that must have been, being the civilisations “calendar maker”, thinking to yourself how much this would mess with people’s noodles in future if you just got bored making the calendar or just ran out of ink before getting to 2013 (Millennium bug anyone!).

Still if the end of days is coming (no not that awful film with Arnold Schwazzzzzzennnneggager), what would your new year revolution be? world peace, bit late for that.

Anyway it’s getting close to us taking stock of the years events and planning the next 300 and odd days until the next one, festive cheer and Mr Fogg even has a Monkey Suit of his own now (not so much 007 as OH OH dear), so at least he can look dapper on 21 Dec.

Celebrating the 21 Dec if we make it, then let us know (if we don’t then not much point is there).

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