People Watching

It was nice to be able to spend some quality time with Mrs Fogg, something that the current work regime so rarely affords us. Most days it’s up at 5.45 and then an hour to relax on a night, with weekends reserved for chores. So an evening spent chatting, relaxing and people watching was a nice tonic.

The Lakside once had a policy of tie and jacket for dinner (a silly outdated concept), which due to the current economic climate has been relaxed to, “providing its not shorts you’re fine”.

Watching intently there was a chappie that appeared to be on an Internet date with a woman half his age, “when I said I liked 30s, I meant the music, not the age!” A guy with his “forwen blide”, who could have what food she was given and a man who was obviously there to impress his boss “wife, dress dowdy so you don’t make my boss’ wife look bad”.

Nicest of all was sitting and enjoying the night, nice food and excellent company, finished off with scrabble in the “old folk chairs” conservatory, reminiscent of St.Lucia (sans heat).

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