The Black Hole of East Yorkshire

So all moved in now, 90% of our boxes emptied and most things up and working, save one, The Telephone & Broadband!

After sweet talking BT into getting a go live for more or less the day we moved in, we sat and waited at our appointed time, which came and went without sight of a highly skilled BT man. 5 minutes after the agreed time we got a text telling us that due to the completion of Line Plant works our appointment will not occur, what the hell does that even mean? other than Oops we forgot. To add insult to injury we then get a text telling us that since we had missed our appointment we would need to reschedule!

Mr Angry was on the phone to BT the next day (well we are in a black hole of telecoms, no mobile reception, no landline and no slowband, sorry broadband. Ah Mr Angry my name is Delores and I am being your home moving assistant today, oh god! Eventually appointment rebooked for another weeks time, what you have to understand Mr Angry is that this issue was unforeseen since no survey has been carried out, really so the BT man who came out 4 days earlier and stood looking at the telegraph pole was a bird watcher was he!

So awaiting the next excuse from BT (Bloody Terrible) which will be we have a tree in the way and it will need cutting back, but then the bird watcher will have spotted that!!!!!

Here we are in an age of technology where the third world are on 4g comms and in this supposed forward thinking country we can’t even get a sodding piece of cable run from a telegraph pole to a house.

Grrrr it makes my blood boil.


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