Omarama Oh Yess!!

Imagine trying to work out your route on a road trip when you come to an area which needs crossing but is not perhaps too touristy. Then imagine picking a place in the middle of nowhere which had perhaps a couple of hotels and maybe one bar. But wait. Some bright spark decided that in a wilderness valley you need wonderful discrete wooden hot tubs heated by wood burning stoves, set them around a natural small lake with wild birds and add natural mountain views. Then screen each one so they are completely private AND tell your customers it is ok to skinny dip, AND that they can bring their own wine and watch the sun go down. Why, of course you would go to Omarama, so we did.

We had our own personal hot tub in the wilderness, watched moor hens and other wild birds, saw the sun go down and night descend while bathing in our private outdoor tub heated by a wonderful wood burner. And yes, skinny dipping in the dark sipping wine and toasting life. Pure bliss.

That is why we came to the middle of nowhere. Of course Mr Fogg believes me (hmm??)

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]


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