The End of Boromir

Look familiar? Probably not unless you had studied the LoTR in detail and at the end of the Fellowship when Boromir is brought down by the Uruk-hai, since this is the very spot where it happened in the movie.

Interesting movie fact is that this is a national trust type of forrest and is protected, so as part o the filming they vacuumed up all the leaves on the ground, stored them, then got leaves from other unprotected areas and got local school children to paint them the correct colours. When done filming they then removed all the fake leaves and replaced the originals. And who says that movie making costs are justified?

As you can tell we have done our half day LoTR tour, finding out all the facts and about that other film that can’t be named until after Dec 12th. Incidentally this location was also used to represent the Canadian Rockies (why? here’s a task find a place that looks like the Rockies, err Canada, nope NZ) in the Wolverine Movie (see it, no, but if you did you wouldn’t remember it cos it was pants).

Not a bad day all told, fun and interesting.

Tomorrow on th road for the last 3 days of the tour.

Last night in Queenstown from here.


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