Dinner is chosen

After an early start it’s now 5.30pm and I’m starved.

We did the Milford Sound Cruise today which was excellent. It started with a 5 hour (yes five hours!) coach trip with Bob (must make up time) which was supposed to include photo stops and little walks but it seems that Bob was late so we got two stops for 2-3 min toilet breaks (run, drop, flush, run) and a number of “and here is a nice view on the left as I drive past” from our driver. Oh and we got a 20 min coffee stop in a gift shop (anyone want a NZ trinket?)

But the highlight was the cruise itself. Wonderful small boat, the greedy people all opted to dash to the top deck leaving about six of us to spread out across the front and rear bottom deck of the boat. We sailed close to each side of the fjord (its not really a Sound but a Fjord but some welsh bloke incorrectly named it a Sound and they never chamged it) and could almost touch sheer cliffs, seals and two different types of penguin. We went directly under a huge waterfall (need a towel there Mr Fogg or just happy to wring yourself out later?) and hoped to spot dolphins or whales but no luck.

Two hours later and then we are dropped at the teeny airport for our teeny two wing flight back with another couple. Fab Fab Fab. Loads of incredible views, just breathtaking.

Having beaten those who opted for the coach trip back (ha ha 5 long hours to go yet!) we are now back in central Queenstown to sample the local delicacies. We saw the local crayfish pots today in Milford Sound so we just had to do it. Horace the Crayfish just did not stand a chance. Dear Horace, welcome to my plate…….

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]


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