It’s A-Mazing

Aha Wanaka, home of Puzzle World. We visited this afternoon and played for several hours. As you can see, Mr Fogg practised his expert leaning skills (sans alcohol for a change!).

Then we visited the Maze. 1.5km of maze with a challenge to get to four coloured towers in each corner of the maze. Apparently the average person will cover 3-5km to achieve this in maybe 1 to 1.5hrs. Challenge accepted off we went. Of course competitive Mr Fogg and I separated determined to beat each other to the challenge.

Unfortunately Mr Fogg somehow managed to beat me in getting to the four towers but like me he cheated to exit the place since we would have been stuck for a few more hours otherwise.

All told a fab afternoon acting like children and running around like five year olds trying to compete in high temperatures and a crazy maze.

Ah so the loser got to take Mr Fogg for a meal in town so we opted for a restaurant looking over the lake. Bliss. Mr Fogg, my lover,best friend and crazy man!!

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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