Wellies in Wellington

After a less than impressive B&B at parangahou (Mrs Fogg thought it was ok, but personally I didn’t think it was worth the 185NZD including a bowl of cereal and a scone for brekky), we spent 4 hours driving to Wellington where it’s tipping it down.

We took a trip to the Weta Cave, home of the original production company for LoTR, TinTin, King Kong, Frighteners and District 19, yet no mention of Peter Jacksons original masterpiece Bad Taste.

Arrival at the less than impressive Mercure Hotel (300NZD a night) where you need to lift the mattress out of the way to open the door(I won’t tell you what you need to do go to the loo!), sees us 10 mins from the Inter Island ferry for an early start in the morrow. It would appear all hotels are full due to a national holiday.

Tonight up in the cable car to see clouds and grab a bite to eat.

Catching the South Island Ferry from here.

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