Clueless and Witless

Sat here in Taupo in Pimentos restaurant enjoying a nice meal and in blusters Cap’n USA with the gusto reserved only for a world sooper power. Don’t get me wrong I love America and everything about it, some of the nicest people we have ever met were in the US. Here’s the thing, none of em had passports and that is a shame, since the ones that do tend to be in yer face (not all of them I know) and full on “Bob’s and Betty’s (name badges optional).

So as we sat chatting and eating, in bowls Cap’n USA in the architypal shorts and polo shirt, bellowing as loud as he can to a waitress “You might just be in a position to save my life”. It would appear “They” (no explanation who they would be of course) have sent him round in circles looking for the chateau by the lake, “now if you look at this map it shows the chateau here and it shows us here”, all of this without taking a breath or allowing the waitress to confirm she had no idea. And still he continues, when it became obvious the waitress had no idea, he starts with the chef until he gets what he wants. Then his poor stressed looking wife disappears to the loo and Cap’n USA then sets off again “See, we travel all over and EVERY time I lose her” he bellows.

What was impressive was how patient the staff were and how kind they were in trying to help. Now that’s NZ! Personally I would have given him directions that brought him full circle, just for a chuckle (but then I have dubious parentage).

People Watching from here.

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