The Great TROLLee Hunter

Ahhhh the joys of online ordering so last week Mrs Fogg and I went hunting for replacement travel bags, to find only one Antler sack/ bag/ thingy. Mrs Foggy found a company selling the self same bags “” so off she popped to order them with next day delivery.

One week later and countless calls yet we are still waiting. The company’s site shows them as “processing” yet the twonks have taken the cash. Now all calls are diverted to an orange mobile with a full mailbox. Bank notified and visa dispute raised we still have to find bags.

So tonight Mrs Fogg hit Trafford and I hit Meadowhall in the great TROLLee hunt. The difference would appear that at Trafford they are helpful, whilst Meadowhall is staffed with the thickest customer services in the world (Are there any shops in here that sell Antler Luggage, what’s that? err luggage by Antler, is he a designer? walk away Mr Fogg don’t bite now) . Mind you I did see two Virgin Atlantic Stewardesses, oh yeh! happy bunny was I.

We must have the right sized luggage else how is Mrs Fogg going to take all those pairs of shoes as well as that kitchen sink? and her travel books

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