Movie Time

Gotta love the pure escapism of the movies, for 2 bum numbing hours you can forget everything and immerse yourself in a ripping yarn (unless it’s My Own Private Idaho, We Love Huckerbees or about Schmidt, which all sucked so bad we left the films early, ah tell a lie I slept through About Schmidt).

In years gone by I used to queue at my local Odeon in Hemel (which doubled as a Bingo Hall 4 nights a week), to see the latest blockbuster. The most memorable being Aliens and The Fly on midnight showings. Mrs Fogg and I used to frequent local cinemas every week, but now only once or twice a year (this year was Tron Legacy which was pants, nice catsuit tho, and Cowboys & Aliens only so that Mrs Fogg could ogle Daniel Craig).

Time has moved on and once I had 600 video tapes, then to LaserDisc, then DVD and BluRay, but now it’s all downloads, which means we can watch a movie in the comfort of our house without listening to a mobile phone call discussion or having to pay just shy of £30 to see a film.

This weeks latest have been Limitless (cool movie), Faster (hoo rah), Sucker Punch (banging soundtrack and totty in school outfits, worrying, but hot all at the same time, excellent movie by the way) and most notably Attack the Block a low budget C4 made for TV movie, but so well done. Attack the Block has you hating then cheering for the hapless yoots who appear to have trouble with the English language (I axe ya, Trus, Spec being the most notable “WTF are you onabouts”). Amazingly this rare gem succeeds where so many big budget Hollywood films fail (remake of the Day the Earth Stood Still anyone).

A blinder of a film, well worth a watch, with some nice shockers in it, one definitely worth a view with all the lights turned off.

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