We’ve Had SEGs On The Beach

Mrs Fogg With the Pink Champagne from the Finks

Mrs Fogg With the Pink Champagne from the Finks

Well Mrs Fogg managed a total of 3 bottles of champoo last night and half a bottle of Baileys as we watched the moon on the Caribbean Ocean into the wee small hours finishing her 40th Birthday celebration.

Today saw us with a leisurely get up (around 7am), breaky and then to the pool for a few hours before lunch in our reserved open air hut.

This afternoon we went and did a Segway Tour of Mount Pimard on the oh so super and rugged X2, going all off road with our cool guide Shaka. Lunch was supplied as a variety of picked fruits prepared by Shaka and Coconut water to wash it down. 2 hours of fun finishing off by racing across the beach at Rodney Bay doing 14mph. Absolutely brilliant. We also went to feed Koi Carp with bread and the Koi attacked the bread like piranha, that was amazing to watch.

Tonight is the Managers cocktail party with a load of new arrivals so that should be as interesting as watching milk curdle. Last time we were here they had hired a new Restaurant Manager who was painfully shy and seemed to do nothing but stand and stare blankly so we nicknamed him Tattoo out of Fantasy Island. The same guy is still around and none of his charm or confidence has increased. He still stands and stares blankly although he does appear to have been demoted to waiting tables

Segway Tour of St.Lucia

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