Rain Forrest Sky Ride & Grub

That's not your spot Move

That’s not your spot Move

After waking too early for the sky ride we eventually got picked up, last on the list after 2 American couples, one very quiet and the other in their late forties chewing gum the entire bus ride.

Now we love America, but like many cultures they have some interesting quirks, one of which is the inability to filter out their every thought before it hits their mouths. So what you tend to get is a constant inane stream of every single thought regardless and then some. We were treated to every little thought that this couple had for the 1 hour ride to and from the Sky Ride and then the hour long ride itself, wow. Oh and the ride was crap, basically you get in a cable car, go up and over the Forrest and get told a few things about the trees (from a girl wid poowa engl ish), then come back down and no it’s not just me, even Mrs Fogg thought it was naff.

Back in time for lunch, seated outside in a hut listening to a steel band, we were then treated to a display from a pouting family who always sit in that spot and it’s their last Saturday here and it’s their daughters birthday tomorrow, so move. Mrs Fogg was quite polite and restrained, but pouty people were adamant they get their favourite lunch spot or we’ll stomp our feet and scweem and scweem until we make ourselves sick. In the Caribbean life I too short and hot to argue. Nowt queer as folk.

One more day of 39 here.

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