40 T-Minus 5 Days

After a wonderful evening meal and the obligatory 2 glasses of FizzyBoobly, Mrs Foggy and I retired for the night, to the cacophony of sounds including birds, dogs and millions of cicadas.

Under guidelines from the WHO (nope not the Doctor variety), all resorts have to “fog” the entire area with mosquito repellant (will take a picture this evening). It’s quite an eerie view and resembles a 1970s B movie called The Fog.

After a leisurely layin to 7.45, we went had brekky and saw the tour rep. Mrs Fogg determined she wasn’t doing any tours this time miraculously purchased two of them (a cable car ride into the canopy and a Segway tour of Rodney Bay, ok so we get to play on Segways again so I will let her off).

The rest of the day was spent by the pool, swimming, eating, chillin and dodging the wonderful rain storms.

Tonight it’s glad rags for another spectacular evening meal and a chance to spend time with a very beautiful lady.

Hot, Wet and Warm here.

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