Unanswered Science

image1813244993.jpgIt’s Spring clean time in the Foggies household and as ever it prompts lots of irritation and unanswered questions.

How do two people who work 12 hour days Monday to Friday create quite so much muck when actually at home? How can one small cat generate sufficient loose fur to actually be able to spread it across every possible surface? Why oh why did we think four bathrooms in a house was a great idea? And why do we manage to dirty three of them? Exactly how did someone market wood flooring as clean and hygienic?? Oh, and since when did cleaning become a healthy pastime (according to news articles in Jan of this year it’s better than a trip to the gym)

So Mr Fogg and I are shattered and we’ve only done the upstairs areas so far…methinks we will do downstairs next week. I can feel a snooze coming on

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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