Hello from our RV

image937689881.jpgWell helloooo there! We picked up our 28 foot RV this afternoon after being made to watch an hour long vid explaining all the things about the RV. Yawn. So we picked up the monster and started the drive to Kingman, a comfortable cruise of around 2 hrs- or so it should be at around 65mph. Ah, but in a rattling bucket of an RV which has a top speed of 60ish (65 downhill!!), it takes hours and hours. Imagine trying to drive a removals truck with all your stuff just rolling around and you’ll get the picture.

So, by the time we reached Kingman, it was dark (oh dear) and Mr Fogg had to reverse our truck into the last bay on the campsite. Next was the fun and games to connect the pooper hose, water and electric. Easy.

We’ve just been to the local truck stop for a fab home cooked meal and are now back and tucked up inside after figuring out how to make the loo work (pump, prime, flush, done). Shame they don’t seem to have cleared the poop tanks before we picked it up (Eugh). Fingers crossed it isn’t broken, mind you Mr Fogg reckons a good bit of weight would shift it, over to you dear I say!

RVs are pretty cool things, if a little tired inside and very rattley to drive around, but Grand Canyon here we come tomorrow.

[Posted from Mrs Foggs super cool iphone]

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